miercuri, 25 septembrie 2013

Biscuits with rice flour and lemon

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Biscuiti cu faina de orez si lamaie

      Pentru ca si cei care au intoleranta la gluten poftesc la ceva dulce sa incercam varianta de desert pe care ne a propus o doamna Laura Adamache.Pentru ca reteta a fost realizata in cadrul unui concurs organizat tot de dansa trebuie sa ne conformam regulilor si sa dam cateva detalii despre concurs cu ajutorul urmatoarelor linkuri :Particip cu  Reteta Biscuiti cu faina de orez si lime la concursul Prepara retete gustoase fara efort, organizat de Laura Adamache si Delimano.

 Sa trecem la ingrediente.
 Pentru Cca 30 biscuiti
  • 250 gr faina de orez
  • 150 gr unt la temperatura camerei
  • 100 gr zahar pudra
  • 2 albusuri mari
  • 15 – 20 gr suc de lamaie
  • coaja rasa de la doua lamai

Cum se procedeaza:
  1. Mixam untul, la temperatura camerei, cu zaharul pudra, pana obtinem o crema fina.
  2. Adaugam albusurile, mixam, iar apoi adaugam treptat faina, sucul de lime sau lamaie si coaja rasa de lamaie.
  3. In functie de tipul de faina folosit, este posibil sa mai fie nevoie de putin suc de lime. Eu am folosit o faina foarte fina si am folosit numai 15 gr suc de lime dar daca mai este nevoie, mai adaugat 1- 2 linguri de suc. Consistenta aluatului trebuie sa fie cremoasa si moale, astfel incat sa putem forma biscuitii cu ajutorul unui sac à poche.
Formam biscuitii in tava de cuptor tapetata cu hartie de copt,

Ii coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C, pentru 12-13 minute. Biscuitii nu au voie sa se coloreze! Cand observati ca baza lor a inceput sa se rumeneasca discret, ii scoatem din cuptor si ii lasam sa se raceasca in tava.
Se pudreaza cu zahar pudra si se servesc alaturi de ceai, cafea sau lapte.
Sunt deliciosi si foarte lejeri.

Nota: am folosit 25 de grame de suc de lime(cantarul a fost lasat pe grame deoarece asa indica reteta ).Nu a fost nevoie de faina aditionala.In loc de zahar am folosit curmale(am folosit in jur de 15 bucati ).In cuptor au stat 12 minute pe functia traditionala. Si din pacate ceaiul nu mai apare in poza pentru ca a fost savurat impreuna cu biscuitii din prima transa care au fost scosi din cuptor...

Biscuits with rice flour and  lemon


       For those who have gluten intolerance but are craving for something sweet you have to try this dessert proposed  by a lady named Laura Adamache.

Ingredients about 30 biscuits

  •      250 gr rice flour
  •      150 g butter at room temperature
  •      100g caster sugar
  •      2 large egg whites
  •      15-20 grams of lime juice / lemon
  •      2 limes (zest)

How is done:

  1. Mixing the butter, at room temperature,with the powdered sugar, to obtain a smooth cream.
  2. Add the egg whites, mixing, and then add the flour, lime or lemon juice and lime zest.
  3. Depending on the type of flour used, there may be need a little lime juice. I used a very fine flour and used only 15 g lime juice but if needed, added 1-2 tablespoons of juice. The consistency of the dough should be soft and creamy, so that we can shape biscuits with a sac à poche.

       Make the biscuits in oven tray lined with baking paper, bake them in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 12-13 minutes. The biscuits are not allowed to be colored! When you notice that the base has started to brown discreetly out of the oven and let them cool in the pan.
      Powdered them with icing sugar and serve with tea, coffee or milk.They are delicious.

Note: I used 25 grams of lime juice.I used dates instead of sugar (I used about 15 of them). In oven at 180° C for 12 minutes with the traditional function. And unfortunately the tea does not appear in the picture because was enjoyed with the first batch of this biscuits...

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