joi, 12 septembrie 2013

White chocolate Ice cream

Inghetata cu ciocolata alba , piersici si ghimbir

Scroll down for english
       Pe cat de mult imi plac torturile pe atat de mult imi place inghetata.Poate chiar mai mult pentru ca pe moment nu m a loveste inspiratia decat pentru incercari de retete de inghetata.Astazi o sa va prezint o reteta simpla de inghetata cu ciocolata alba si piersici trase in tigaie cu putin unt.Imi ramasese smantana de la cheesecake-ul incercat pentru concursul cu mozzarella .Era pacat sa nu o folosesc.Erau si piersici in frigider asa ca iata reteta.

  • 200 ml smantana proaspata pentru frisca cu 32% grasime(zuzu in cazul meu)
  • 3 galbenusuri
  • 1 lingura de zahar pudra
  • 100 grame ciocolata alba
  • 3 linguri de miere
  • 3 piersici maricele
  • 1 lingura de unt
  • 1 lingura de zahar
  • 3 rondele de ghimbir
        Acestea fiind spuse sa ne apucam de treaba.In prima faza ar trebui sa aveam deja galbenusurile separate de albusuri si aduse la temperatura camerei.Le batem cu lingura de zahar pudra pana isi maresc volumul.Intre timp pregatim bain marie-ul .Cand apa a dat in clocot , micsoram focul si asezam galbenusurile pe bain marie si continuam sa amestecam pana temperatura creste si galbenusurile sunt calde la atingere.O sa se ingroase amestecul.Luam de pe foc.Punem ciocolata alba la topit pe bain marie.Sa nu plecati de langa ea caci o sa aveti o surpriza neplacuta.S a topit si ciocolata.O adaugam galbenusurilor si astfel baza obtinuta nu ne mai ramane decat sa o lasam sa se raceasca.
      Intre timp vom trage in tigaie piersicile in unt zi zahar.Feliati piersicile.Ideal ar fi sa avem felii de aceasi marime sa se gateasca toate in acelasi timp.Punem untul la topit in tigaie , adaugam piersicile , apoi zaharul .Dupa ce sunt gata dam piersicile prin blender pentru a obtine un piure , dulce de aceasta data.Ghimbirul il dam pe razatoare si il adaugam pireului.
     Mai avem de batut smantana pentru frisca.Cand piureul si amestecul de ciocolata s au racit amestecam toate ingredientele si dam la rece.Minim doua ore.Dupa care fie se da la congelator,in acest caz va trebui sa scoateti inghetata la jumatate de ora sa o amestecati, sau prin masina de inghetata si apoi la congelator intre doua sau patru ore pana se aseaza complet.
        Pofta buna!

English version

Ice cream with white chocolate, peach and ginger

              As much as I like cakes ice cream is the real love. That's why at the moment inspiration strikes me  only for ice creams.Today i will attempt to present to you a simple recipe with white chocolate ice cream and peaches cooked in a frying pan with a little butter.
Here is the recipe and everything you will need for it.

The ingredients are:
  •      200 ml fresh cream  with 32% fat (Zuzu in my case)
  •      3 egg yolks
  •      1 tablespoon powdered sugar
  •      100 grams white chocolate
  •      3 tablespoons honey
  •      3 peaches
  •      1 tablespoon butter
  •      1 tablespoon sugar
  •      3 slices of ginger

      That being said let's get to work.In first phase you should already had separate yolks from whites and brought to room temperature.We going to beat the yolks with powdered sugar  until they will double in volume.In the meantime will get start on preparing the bain marie. When the water is boiling, reduce heat and place the yolks in bain marie and continue to stir until the temperature rises and the yolks are warm to the touch.Remove from heat.Then we will melt the white chocolate over bain marie.Take the melted chocolate and add to the egg.You obtained the base for the ice cream so we just have to leave it to cool.
       Meanwhile we cut the peaches in slices.You melt the butter in pan, add peaches and the sugar. When you are ready put the peaches in a blender to mash them.The ginger is better to be grated and the add it to the puree.
      We have to beat the cream.When the puree and  the chocolate mixture are cooled , mix all ingredients.Everything goes in the fridge.Minimum two hours.Then you put the mix either in the freezer, in this case you will have to remove  the ice cream from half an hour to mix, or in the ice cream machine and then in the freezer for two to four hours to sit.

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