marți, 17 septembrie 2013

Frozen dessert

Scroll down for english

Lemon frozen yogurt

          Cum spune si titlul un desert inghetat avand ca baza iaurtul.Este septembrie asa ca desertul se poate servi de aceia care stiu ca au un organism mai rezistent sau pur si simplu dornici sa incerce ceva diferit decat structura cremoasa a inghetatei.Si trebuie sa va placa si lamaia caci va fi gustul dominat in acest desert.

Sa trecem la ingrediente:
  • 460 ml smantana dulce de gatit 12% grasime 
  • 260 grame de iaurt
  • 3 linguri de zahar
  • 3 linguri de miere
  • 1 lingura de amidon
  • sucul de la 3 lamai medii ca dimensiune
  • 3 linguri crema de branza philadelphia
Cum se procedeaza:
  1. Stoarceti sucul de la lamai intr o craticioara in care veti adauga  cele trei linguri de zahar  .Puneti pe foc si dati in clocot.Lasati sa se raceasca.
  2. Smantana o punem pe foc impreuna cu coaja de lamaie si dam in clocot.Fierbem patru minute dupa ce a dat in clocot la foc mic amestecand tot timpul.Luam de pe foc si adaugam amidonul pe care l am dizolvat in prealabil intr o lingura de apa.Amestecati smantana in timp ce adaugati amidonul.Puneti din nou pe foc un minut sau doua pana ce amestecul se ingroasa.
  3. Crema de branza o ''cremosim'' cu ajutorul unei lingure.Peste ea vom adauga  smantana in etape , nu toata de la inceput si nu fierbinte.Cand ati incorporat smantana la crema de branza adaugati iaurtul .Apoi siropul de lamaie dar in etape si acesta.La final cele trei linguri de miere sau cat considerati dvs. ca doriti sa fie de dulce.
  4. Dam la frigider amestecul obtinut minin doua ore dar cel mai bine ar fi peste noapte.
Etapa finala ar fi introducerea amestecului in congelator si spargerea cristalelor de gheata la fiecare ora timp de patru ore sau folosirea masinei de inghetata apoi pastrarea in congelator.

Pofta buna!

Nota:Reteta originala foloseste 130 grame de zahar care vor fi adaugate in smantana cand punem la fiert.Foloseste o combinatie de 360 ml lapte gras cu 120 ml smantana.Iaurtul l am lasat la scurs intr o strecuratoare peste noapte pentru a obtine consistenta unei iaurt grecesc.Ingredientele sa le aveti la temperatura camerei inainte sa va apucati de realizarea retetei.Sa aveti in vedere ca este un frozen dessert ceea ce inseamna ca chiar este inghetat.In cazul meu il scot cu 20-30 de minute inainte de consum din congelator.

Lemon frozen yogurt

Recipe inspired by Jeni's Splendid ice cream

       This frozen yogurt holds the real lemon flavor that is released instantly as it touches your tongue, all of that happens because the only fat that contains in this recipe is butterfat (from the heavy cream) and  butterfat melts at body temperature so the explosion of flavors happens as soon as you put the first spoon in your mouth.
  • 480 ml heavy cream
  • 240 ml yogurt(plan ahead: place a sieve with cheesecloth over a bowl, pour the yogurt, cover with plastic film and leave it overnight in your refrigerator to dry, next day, discard the water)
  • 3 Tbs.honey
  • 3 Tbs.cream cheese
  • 1 Tbs.cornstach
Lemon Syrup:
  • Juice from 3 lemons
  • 3 Tbsp of sugar

 How is done:
  1. Squeeze the lemon juice in a saucepan in which you add the three tablespoons of sugar. Put it on medium heat and give it in a boil.Let it cool.
  2. Put the heavy cream in a saucepan add the lemon peel and give it in a boil.Boil for four minutes  over low heat stirring all the time.Remove from the heat and add cornstarch dissolved  previously in a tablespoon of water .Stir cream while adding the cornstarch.Put it again on low heat for a minute or two until the mixture thickens.
  3. We will work the cream cheese with a spoon until is soft.Then we will add the heavy cream in stages, not all from the beginning and not hot.When we have incorporated cream cheese to heavy cream add the yogurt.Then add the lemon syrup in but in stages.Finaly add three tablespoons of honey or how much you consider that you want to be sweet.
  4. We have to refrigerated the mixture minimum two hours but the best would be overnight.
The final step would be introducing the mixture in the freezer and break the ice crystals every hour for four hours or using the ice cream machine and then keep the mixture in the freezer.

Note: The original recipe uses 130 grams of sugar to be added to
the heavy cream when we boil it.She uses a combination of 360 ml milk and 120 ml heavy cream.You should have all the ingredientes at room temperature before starting to make the recipe.So note that is a frozen dessert which means that this case it really is frozen.Remove with 30 minutes before consumption out of the freezer.This is the link to the original recipe:

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